

Sports Data Scraping

Automatic data scraping enables users to pull together large amounts of information from one or various sites. The influence of this data on different industries is huge. Athletics and sports are also affected by Big Data. Therefore, sports data extraction can help you gain a competitive advantage over your rivals in many ways. That’s why many leading sports teams have dedicated experts who deal with data analysis and strategy creation.

Where to find sports data?

First, you should define the purpose of sports data scraping, either as market value analysis or performance analytics. Then, you can choose the sources to scrape:

  • official sites, like FIFA.com, NBA.com, NFL.com
  • BBC Sports and similar sites
  • media websites
  • sites of sports enthusiasts

The league tables, match information, statistics about results, clubs, and players can be easily enlarged by scraping non-official sites and arranged in robust sports analytics datasets for any kind of sport-related insight.